How to Growing your audience YouTube Channel in 2022 - Mervice


Social media promotion is a great way to increase your business visibility, YouTube is one of the best social media sites for promoting photography businesses. Learn how to grow your YouTube channel with these simple YouTube tips for 2021.

Using a YouTube channel isn’t a one-and-done effort, you have to keep adding content to grow your YouTube channel by getting repeat viewers and new subscribers. Here are five methods how to get your youtube channel noticed and how to get more youtube subscribers:

 Brand your channel
 Add branded thumbnails
 Call to action subscribe
 Craft a great welcome trailer
 Use a teleprompter

1. Brand Your Channel

What does it mean to brand your YouTube channel? The same thoughts for creating your business brand applies as tips for YouTubers. Your business already has a niche (or maybe two), and turning that niche into branding makes your business presence more memorable. Being more memorable leads to more business opportunities which leads to more business success. 

Carry that existing branding onto your YouTube channel by creating high-quality videos that highlight to your viewers what your business is all about and show consistency of content. Most of the best methods to grow your YouTube channel will center around branding and quality content.

2. Add Branded Thumbnails

The Perfect YouTube Thumbnail Size (1280px x 720px)

Adding branded thumbnails to your videos can cement your brand in the minds of viewers. Every time a video shows on your YouTube channel, if viewers see your brand as a thumbnail, it will stick in their minds and make them more likely to remember you.

In order to imbed thumbnails into your videos, you will need to have quality images that say something about your brand, niche, or business. Make them interesting, something that grabs a viewer’s attention. This is a fantastic way how to get your YouTube channel noticed.

3. Call to Action: Subscribe

Now that you have your viewer’s attention with branding and thumbnails, give them something to do as a call to action. A call to action means you guide a potential client to doing something that benefits your business. 

On a business website, a call to action could be a click to buy or book a session. On your YouTube channel, a call to action that asks for a subscription is one of the best ways of how to get more YouTube subscribers. Having more subscribers means more people will see your videos and thus be more likely to fulfill another call to action later.

To grow your YouTube channel, you want to hang on to those who are already seeing your videos, which is accomplished by having them complete a call to action of subscribing to your channel.

4. Create a Great Welcome Trailer

Before you can get people to subscribe to your YouTube channel, you must grab their attention through the search engine and by having a superb welcome trailer. The welcome trailer is that short introductory video that is the first thing many searchers will see about you or your business on YouTube. 

A welcome trailer should be very high quality, clearly state something about you and your brand, and it only needs to be about a minute long or even shorter. The main goal is to get them to see you and then stay and look at your other videos.

5. Use a Teleprompter

One of the most effective techniques for making excellent YouTube videos is to increase the professionalism of your YouTube videos by maintaining eye contact with the viewer. Think about eye contact. If you were speaking to a client in person, you would naturally have eye contact. A teleprompter allows you to have eye contact on camera with viewers you can’t see, the end result being a very professional appearance.

Teleprompters have been used by newscasters, politicians, and actors for decades, and now there are cost-effective teleprompters you can use with your existing vlogging equipment. Prolite Tripod PL 590-LW

It is only about the price of a good accessory lens and includes an 18-inch ring light which gives shadowless light for filming yourself talking to your audience. 

Any size camera from a smartphone to a medium-size DSLR fits in the bracket for filming and a smartphone or small tablet fits into the bottom part of the teleprompter. A beam splitter allows the camera to shoot through a screen onto which your script is displayed, letting you have perfect viewer eye contact while recording your YouTube video.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing techniques such as the five YouTube tips presented here will help you grow your YouTube channel in 2021 and increase your business success. We have many other marketing and vlogging tips that could help you grow your business.

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